Kamlesh Sidher Counselling & Psychotherapy
in Hillingdon and Uxbridge

About Counselling. Ealing  Room 2

What problems can I help you with

What is counselling

The conditions counselling can help

What benefits can be expected

How many sessions can you take

My fees


What problems can I help you with?

Abuse                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Affairs and betrayals                                                                                                                                                                                                          Anger management
Behaviour problems
Carer support
Depression and anxiety
Domestic violence
Eating disorders
Emotional abuse
Family issues
Generalised anxiety disorder
Internet addiction
Low self-confidence
Low self-esteem
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Panic disorder
Passive aggressive behaviour
Relationship issues
Separation and divorce
Separation anxiety
Sexual abuse
Suicidal thoughts
Work-related stress

What is Counselling?

Counselling is about being in a therapeutic relationship where the counsellor can create with you, the client an authentic, genuine relationship as possible and use interventions to help create shifts in your counselling therapy increasing your self awareness to enhance your life. Counselling therapy can however also be stigmatised, we may feel there is 'something wrong' with us as we feel labelled by society when really, it is life's stresses, changes and circumstances around us that bring on depression or anxiety.

Otherwise known as talking therapies, counselling can help us deal with anxiety and depression problems caused by redundancy, relationship breakdown, bereavement, loss, workplace stress, addictions, social media, bullying, physical illness, trauma (such as from physical and sexual abuse, car accident) and so on.

What Conditions Can Counselling Help?

When we are feeling down, depressed we can feel teary, isolate ourselves from family and friends and be unsociable, work performance may decline, we may lose weight (not feel hungry) or gain weight (over eat), feel tired or lethargic, not look after our hygiene, we may find it physically difficult to speak and forget things we want to say or do.

We may feel anxiety and panic from our thoughts and feelings arising from uncontrollable negative events around us. Therefore, our difficulty to control these negative events happening around us can cause upset to our life, making it unmanageable at times.

Uncontrollable events around us can be being worried about a loved one's ill health, or our own, or about impending redundancy, deployment, bullying, bereavement, divorce, relationship breakdown, coercive control (being put down by friends, partner, employer etc.), which can bring on low self-worth, low confidence, low self-esteem, that needs to be rebuilt. Young people's anxiety can for example, be from transition from primary to high school or about difficulty in coping with family breakdown, divorce, bullying at school. 

The symptoms of anxiety and depression can be a result of any number of things and your GP will advise you what kind of help is needed in addition to counselling.

What Benefits Can Be Expected?

Counselling can lower your depression and / or anxiety symptoms to a manageable level by raising your self-awareness, resolving negative thoughts and making them positive and so help you get back on track in your life. You may already have your own goals when you arrange your sessions with me which I can work with to at your pace. Or you may need to explore and prioritise according to your immediate needs. Therefore Counselling empowers you to work with yourself and with my interventions applied as appropriate to you.

Counselling can also help you work through negative thoughts, behaviour patterns and explore relationship patterns, feelings of loss, work stress (see above 'What problems can I help you with?' Just click here to visit Yahoo.) etc.

I will work with your agenda as I understand that it is a big step for some people, therefore you can work with as little or as much as you wish. This means you will still take something with you e.g. a CBT tool to help you cope with anxiety symptoms which can help lower anxiety levels.

How many sessions can you take?

The initial number of sessions for CBT can be agreed as 6 after which we would review to see how these sessions have helped you and whether you require more sessions.  
It is your choice how many sessions you take but an initial 6 is recommended to see if counselling is helping you make your desired changes particularly to see through CBT exercises and process.

My Fees
Please contact me for information on my fees.


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